
What do you search for offline?

Everybody hear at Search3 is all about making it easier to find what you're looking for on the web. It's just the beginning for us, and we'll be adding some really cool stuff in the future, but I'm curious what you constantly find yourself searching for offline.

I'm one of those people that always seems to misplace his keys. It's always when I'm running late, too. I'll frantically search the house, covering rooms that I know I haven't been in since I placed my keys wherever I placed them. I'll search under the bed, in the http://www.search3.com/search/?q=closets, on the countertops...you name it, I'll search for it there. And without fail, I always discover them in one of two places:

1) my pocket from yesterday's pants (or slightly more rarely in the pants I'm wearing).
2) in the hands of my wife who found them immediately in a location I'd already searched, but missed in my haste...

The real question is...why don't I start with these two places???

So for me, search isn't just online. Unfortunately, there's not much that Search3 can do to help me with this one. ;)

What do you search for?

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